Unzicker Ewes - Maverick Magnus Offspring

 In the fall of 1998, I asked Janine Fenton if I could have first pick of her '99 ram lambs. I described what I was looking for. Janine was one of the Jacob breeders whom I had learned to respect and felt confident she would know what I was looking for in a ram. Janine felt Magnus was what I was looking for. He turned out to be everything I wanted. His temperment remained gentle yet respectful of me. His fleece was long and open with some crimp. He had three nice facial markings and some black on each leg. His horns were well spaced and symmetrical. No split eye lid. Some years all his lambs had his facial markings. Most also inherited his fleece. I learned early on money spent on a good ram is well worth the expense.

Maverick Magnus B064-99
Canberra Constible B148 x Canberra Rose A076-97
Unzicker Ava C110-04
Maverick Avonlea B076-98 X Maverick Magnus B064-99
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Royal & Sue Unzicker
Sellersville, PA